Skin needling FAQ's

Skin needling is an advanced skin treatment that creates controlled trauma to the skin using a pen needle device. The depth of the needle ranges from 0-2 mm and your skin therapist will use a depth appropriate depending if we are working in the dermis or epidermis. This will be determined depending on what concerns we are treating. Most skin conditions can benefit from skin needling and each condition will be analysed in advance by your Talking Beauty therapist. We will design a customised skin plan for your skin concerns to optimise your treatment results. 

We have put together our frequently asked questions to help you understand skin needling a little more.

What can it treat? 

So many skins can benefit from skin needling. Not only is it the most incredible anti-aging treatment but it can treat acne, rosacea, scarring, pigmentation, fine fines, uneven texture and enlarged pores too. It can break down old capillaries that donโ€™t service the skin anymore and produces new healthy cells to help the skin look its best. Think firm, plump, smooth and soft skin. If you're not sure if skin needling is for you, reach out, we are here to help. 

Why choose Talking Beauty for skin needling?

There are many things to consider when you decide to invest in skin needling. We suggest you not only talk with our own therapists but do some research for yourself. It is a big investment, so we want to make sure you are getting the best treatment possible. All of our skin experts at Talking Beauty have gone through years of extensive training and advanced education. Did you know that we have had specific one on one training to needle the eyes, lips and scalp! Game changer! 

We have had extensive training to know what depths to work with and what to look out for. If we are treating pigment, we want to make sure we are needling into the epidermis only, this type of knowledge is extremely important to get the right results for the right concerns. There is no one size fits all treatment when it comes to needling, every skin will be treated individually. 

Exceed is our device of choice. 

Not all pen devices are created equally, some devices can cause more trauma than needed even at a low depth. Needle quality is very important, they need to be medical grade, straight and sharp! Our device of choice is EXCEED which is a medical grade device and each needle cartridge is examined by magnification to make sure they are free of imperfections before leaving the lab. There is no backflow into the EXCEED pen making it the most hygienic choice available. EXCEED is also a corded device which will give the most consistent results. It won't lose power in the treatment and the needles will exit the skin without pulling, unlike a battery powered device.

Preparing the skin for needling and how we do this.

I know we have made skin needling sound amazing ( which it is) and you're wanting to call and make an appointment straight away, but there is a protocol. You want the best results from these treatments, therefore, for safety and efficacy we need to prepare the skin. In most cases we need a minimum of 4 weeks prep in order to produce healthy cells and healthy collagen. If you are already under our care and working towards needling, we may already have your skin prepped without you even realising it! Exciting!

If you are new to skin treatments or your routine is irregular, we will first help you get your routine on track and do a thorough analysis of your skin. First and foremost, we need to see that your skin isnโ€™t dehydrated, is protected from the sun and that the cells are getting the nutrients they need from your skincare. 

We donโ€™t want an average result, we want to produce the best quality cells without unnecessary inflammation. By following our protocols, your skin will respond faster and your results will last longer. 

So what is the Talking Beauty protocol for skin needling? 

First and foremost, book an advanced skin health plan. This includes a big chat about your concerns and goals, advanced skin analysis photos and some recommendations to produce healthy new cells and we want to protect and nurture those cells too. 

We want to look at long term skin nutrition, not just a one off treatment. These following recommendations are essential for needling, but so very important for all skin types and most conditions. 

EFAโ€™s ( essential fatty acids ) 

These are absolutely essential! We always recommend the right amount for the right skin type. If you are already taking some, let's look at the dosage and quality of your EFAโ€™s. We recommend Nordic Naturals for their efficacy without the fishy aftertaste. 

Vitamin A to repair DNA

We recommend Dermaviduals Vitamin A for its safe, gentle and effective form of Retinol Palmitate. The best thing about this form of Vitamin A is that it converts into Retinol, Retinaldehyde and finally Retinoic Acid only as needed! So clever. Which means less sensitivity and it will not thin the skin.This form also remains stable in UV and is suitable during pregnancy. It can also be used morning and night. 


When we are working on creating new and healthy cells, the last thing we want to do is to stop that process or harm those forming baby collagen. Sunscreen is an absolute must to stop further damage. Protect those happy cells! Itโ€™s the number one thing you can do to stop sun damage. 

How many treatments will you need? 

There are quite a few factors around this and each skin is different, so depending on age, what we are treating and how your skin responds, we will work out a plan just for you! 

Ok, we know this is the one question you have on your mind, 

Does it Hurt? 

It can feel uncomfortable of course, we are using a needle device on your skin. The sensation is sharp and scratchy, bony areas are the most uncomfortable, however, this is where the speed becomes really important. The speed and vibration tricks the brain by confusing the nerves. So yes, there are areas of discomfort, but we work over the areas quickly. Once your needling is done, we will send you home with a soothing mask and an after treatment protocol pack. You may experience inflammation and heat and you will feel dry and tight. Your biggest friend here is moisturiser! We recommend Oleogel for the first 2-3 days and you may experience some flakiness from days 3-5, we will give you something to help with that too. 

If you want to get started with us book in an advanced skin health plan online

Rachel xx

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