What's the fuss about Gua Sha

You’re probably wondering what is a Gua Sha Fusion Facial,

This is often the first question I am asked. So, let me explain.

 During one of our many lock downs I was lucky enough to listen to a podcast by an industry expert, who I admired, this initially sparked my interest into the Gua Sha Fusion facial. When I heard that Gua Sha was a natural and non- invasive option for tightening the skin, promoting healing and circulation, I needed to know more, I just had to dive deeper and find out what all the fuss was about.


After some investigation I realised how beneficial this method is and who the number one person to train with, Cecily Branden renowned international expert and trainer in the Gua Sha facial technique. Cecily travelled to Melbourne from New York last year to train a handful of therapists and I was lucky enough to be one of them.

My journey with Gua Sha began and I can honestly say, I haven’t looked back.


What is Gua Sha?


Let me explain a little more about Gua Sha to help you understand why this treatment delivers such incredible results.


Gua Sha Fusion Facial is a type of body and face massage used in the world of Eastern Asian medicine. This ancient technique has been used for many years and is often referred to as the "Eastern Facelift"


Healing crystal stones, typically made from Nephrite, Rose Crystal and Jade, are gently and rhythmically stroked across the skin using a directional 'pressure - stroking' massage to manipulate and stimulate specific energy lines and points along the face and body. Helping to break up blood stagnation, encourage lymphatic flow, increase circulation, smooth and lift the skin.


This ancient healing practise translates in English to “scraping the pain away “.


A warm herbal compress is also an integral part of this time woven treatment. Steamed to perfection and containing a combination of organic herbs. The warm herbal compress is rhythmically rolled and kneaded along the face, neck and decolletage to melt away jaw tension and contour the skin, highlighting cheek bones you never knew existed!

The benefits are endless

Not only is this a deeply relaxing treatment but it has definite health benefits for the skin including an improvement in elasticity, and reducing inflammation. Through increased circulation and lymphatic flow, the Gua Sha technique cleanses the tissue and helps keep the space around the cell pristine, so healthy skin can flourish. With the increase of lymph flow, a reduction in puffiness is observed giving the face more definition. The improvement of the lymphatic circulation offers a natural healthy glow by supplying the cells with a replenishment of plasma nutrients and oxygen. The increase in circulation increases hydration, energises the skin, promoting a youthful glow and regular treatments give a long-lasting effect

 The use of the Gua Sha stones makes it is easier to work deeper into the facial muscles and connective tissue of the face, helping to relive tension and break down knots and tightness

I absolutely love performing this incredible facial and since introducing the Gua sha fusion technique into the salon it has been hugely popular. It takes up most of my time these days when I am in the salon. My clients love how their skin looks and feels after the facial and often comment on how clear and lifted their skin looks. They love the beautiful glow that Gua Sha has become so renowned for.


If you would like to try a Gua Sha facial book through our website or give the salon a call today.


Hope to see you soon.


Jane X

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