Neolifting- which one is perfect for you?

The neolifitng technique has been designed to sculpt and lift the muscles of the face, dubbed the non invasive face lift, this treatment works directly on the structure of our faces, the muscles and bones. Each movement has been curated to relax, stretch and sculpt muscles to bring balance to the face.

This treatment harnesses the body's own natural rejuvenation to provide fresh blood nutrients to the tissue, removing stagnation and increasing lymphatic flow.In turn allowing facial muscles to move freely improving tone and aging effects on the tissue.

Our muscles on our face are very different to the muscles on our body, they cannot be "worked" like the muscles on our body, they insert differently (from bone directly into our skin) and help us communicate emotions when our words simply won't do. Our facial muscles are highly charged to acetylcholine so we can convey a message quickly and well with emotion.

How much do you use your expression to communicate?

Well a lot. It is said 57% of our communication is non verbal, that is a lot of time under tension for these delicate muscles. Also, if we spend a majority of this time in an emotive state (happy, sad, angry) certain muscles are used more than others. Producing tension and overtime unbalance in the structures and as we know, overtime, using the same muscles will result in, yep a wrinkle.

When muscles are under tension they become well, tight. Blood and lymphatic flow can be impacted causing stagnation in waste removal (hello water retention) and sticky fascia. When muscles become sticky and tight they can no longer glide over one another. If left long enough fibrosis can occur in the muscle, causing tight hard muscles deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

Que our new treatments, the Movement and Flow and Sculpt and Release facials.

These facials are the answer to holistic anti-aging. A non surgical face lift that addresses the root cause of wrinkles in the face, muscles under tension.

60 minute Movement and Flow ritual

This begins with breathwork to calm a busy mind and to relax an overworked nervous system. We know if we are calm, we instantly release tension in our muscles, especially our jaw. Next a restorative lymphatic ritual to prime the lymphatic system for the rhythmic sculpting movements that lay ahead. An occipital spinal stretch will realign the cervical vertebrae and begin the sculpting of facial structure. Working on the major muscles and bone sutures of the face, slow rhythmic movement will calm the nervous system and slowly stretch tight muscles allowing them to return to homeostasis (balance). Fresh nutrients will be transferred into the tissue and lymphatic pathways will be opened.

90 minute Sculpt and Release experience

This experience is elevated once again to include an intra oral massage (inside the mouth). This experience specifically targets deep oral muscles to release tension in the jaw and TMJ, specifically great for teeth grinding and can assist with associated headaches. This somewhat unusual technique is not only relaxing but provides instant release to the masseter muscle along with sculpting and toning the jaw line. This experience is topped with a Vitamin Infusion Mask to further work on the skin whilst we release tensions in the scalp muscles to provide movement and relief.

The results of these amazing treatments are instant and profound, but like any work with our muscles, face and body, one treatment (like one gym session) will not provide long lasting results. We recommend 6-8 sessions every 5-7 days to kick start your holistic journey

Our movement and flow & sculpt and release experiences both utilise Dermaviduals restorative massage balm to ensure your skin is supported whilst we look after the deeper layers.

This unique treatment is only available with a handful of therapists worldwide and we are grateful to be working with these world class techniques.

These experience are currently limited to Tuesday and Wednesday with our one of our holisitic therapists. We hope to see you soon for an expereince unlike anything else

Julia xx

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