Self-care Rituals For Skin & Relaxation


Self-care is so important and right now is the perfect time for creating our own self-care rituals. We know that you’re missing that special time in the salon and we are really missing our hands-on approach at taking care of you! So why not bring a touch of Talking Beauty into your home while you’re in isolation. You can create your own little once a week ritual. If you have lots of time on your hands, create a couple of different ones throughout the week!

Creating a relaxation facial ritual is easy to do and really helps to recharge the mind body and soul. By incorporating a home facial into your skincare routine, you’re giving your skin the extra attention it needs, while you are missing out on in-salon facials.

Start by choosing one day a week. Let’s say Sunday or Wednesday. Your ritual can be in the morning or at night, whatever suits you and your current situation. If you can give yourself an hour, perfect, if not, just break your ritual down to what you can manage without putting any pressure on yourself. Remember, this is about you and your own time. If 20 minutes is all that you can manage, use that 20 minutes whole heartedly and truly surrender.

Think about what you want your time to look like and get yourself some props. Candles, soft music or a meditation, some essential oils in a burner, and to really remind yourself of Talking Beauty, make yourself a pot of herbal tea and drink it out of a special tea cup. Have all of your products ready for your facial, thinking about what special attention your skin needs right now and what products you will finish with. Your cleanser, peeling cream to exfoliate, tonic/lotion, serums, moisturiser and treatment mask. Would you like to start with a bath, shower or are you better off just locking the bathroom door for 20 minutes. Once you have your mask on, maybe you would prefer to lay on the bed for its duration. Set your room up and make your space comfy and cosy.

For me, my ritual begins by running a bath at night time with the bathroom lit only by candles. I usually start with a meditation as I often find it hard to start relaxing. I cleanse and exfoliate my skin before I hop in the bath so once I am in, I can lay there with my treatment mask on. Oh, and I always have a big glass of water nearby. I tried it with wine once and that did not end well! I felt so ill. Have the wine after the bath!

If you are planning on laying down on your bed then maybe this is the perfect time to listen to a meditation or some relaxation music. I use Insight timer for meditations and have a couple of favourite playlists on Spotify for relaxation music. You can find the one that we use often at the salon here. So relaxing!

Your relaxation ritual will be really helpful when you feel like you need a reset and your skin will thank you for it too. With a bit of your own TLC, your skin will feel soothed and smooth and you will have that special after facial glow!

If you’re home rolling, what better time to create a ritual around this too! Maybe you would like to follow the relaxation ritual but instead of exfoliating and putting on a mask, roll instead! Most of you are probably rolling once or twice a week. For those that are rolling more often, why not turn a couple of your regular rolling nights into ritual nights. Include one of those nights to give your home roller a clean as well. My rolling ritual is usually on a Thursday night and my relaxing facial ritual a Sunday night. I find this spacing works for me. By Sunday my skin can be feeling a little bit rough, so an exfoliation helps and after the treatment mask my skin is feeling rejuvenated and plump!

Remember to do what works for you and if you need any more suggestions or advice on what your rituals should look like, don’t hesitate to contact us. Isolation facial packages and Dermaviduals products can also be purchased at our skin shop.

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SkinLizzie Robinson